Thursday, August 9, 2012

Another New York Transplant, Ted Hope, to Lead San Francisco Film Society


Yet another leading light in the New York independent film world, Ted Hope, has been named to a position that has been held by two prominent New Yorkers: the executive directorship the San Francisco Film Society.

Mr. Hope, a producer whose credits include “Martha Marcy May Marlene,” “American Splendor” and “The Ice Storm,” will be leaving New York to assume his new post on Sept. 1, the film society announced this week.

He succeeds Bingham Ray, another familiar figure in New York's indie world, who died in January shortly after assuming the society's top job, following the earlier death of Graham Leggat, who left New York to take the post in 2005.

The film society operates a number of film-oriented programs, including its annual San Francisco International Film Festival.

“It's time that the film industry looked not just to Hollywood but instead to the Bay Area and Silicon Valley,” Mr. Hope s aid in statement.

Michael Cieply covers the film industry from the Los Angeles bureau.

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