Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Breakfast Meeting: Sikh Temple Shooter\'s Hate-Filled Music, and the Apple-Google Chill


Wade M. Page, an Army veteran and rock singer who killed six people and wounded three others when he opened fire on Sunday in a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., was among hundreds of people tracked by the Southern Poverty Law Center for his ties to the white supremacist movement and his role as the leader of a white-power band called End Apathy, Erica Goode and Serge F. Kovaleski report. In an interview posted on the Web site of the record company Label56 (and since taken down), Mr. Page mentioned going to Hammerfest, an annual white-supremacist festival; he also said he played in various neo-Nazi bands, including Blue Eyed Devils, whose song “White Victory” includes the lines: “Now I'll fight for my race and nation/Sieg Heil!”

  • The label issued a statement that it was taking down all End Apathy material and said: “Label 56 is very sorry to hear about the tragedy in Wisconsin and our thoughts are with the families and friends of those who are affected.”

Another cord between Apple and Google has been cut, as Apple released a test version of the new operating system for its iPads and iPhones that no longer has a built-in app for YouTube, which is owned by Google, Nick Wingfield and Claire Cain Miller report. The built-in YouTube app dates to 2007, when the first iPhone was released and when Google's Eric Schmidt was still on the Apple board. Relations have cooled since then. Also, they write, the app was more needed then - YouTube videos were in a format that couldn't be played directly on the iPhone; and under the current system, there is no way to run advertisement on videos played through the app.

After a near-blackout of media coverage of Syria's insurgency, a number of foreign journalists have managed to enter the country and report on the battles and massacres of civilians taking place there, Robert Mackey writes on The Lede blog. For example, the battle for Al eppo has been covered by reporters from around the world, including Ben Wedeman of CNN. The German reporter Christoph Reuter managed to reach the region of Houla, where a massacre was recently carried out and interview witnesses and survivors. Mr. Mackey writes:

The presence of foreign reporters is particularly important since Syrians working both for and against the government have an interest in distorting the truth to further their political aims and garner support from other countries.

  • A hoax message on Twitter on Monday that purported to quote Russia's ambassador to Damascus as saying President Bashar al-Assad of Syria may have been killed moved oil markets briefly, Reuters reported, before Russian officials could quickly deny the report.

President Obama has relied on Hollywood to try to match Mitt Romney in fund-raising for the fall election. Last night, Hollywood could be found in Westport, Conn., at the home of th e movie producer Harvey Weinstein, where Mr. Obama raised in excess of $2 million from 60 guests, Peter Baker reported. Among the guests: Anne Hathaway, Jerry Springer, Aaron Sorkin and Joanne Woodward, the actress and widow of Paul Newman, who was invoked at the event.

The pugnacious art critic Robert Hughes - arguably the most famous art critic in the world - died on Monday at 74, Randy Kennedy reports. He had a number of high-visibility perches to dispense his opinions, including Time magazine, where he was chief art critic for 30 years, and the eight-part documentary “The Shock of the New,” which had 25 million viewers from airing on the BBC and PBS and was also a book. He was often a scourge toward new art movements, Mr. Kennedy writes, but when championing artists he loved, like Lucien Freud, he was ready for battle.

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