Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Breakfast Meeting: A Fall Book Bonanza and the New Cosmo Girl


The book industry is looking forward to some good news for a change. This fall, the big publishers are unleashing a murderer's row of authors â€" including Salman Rushdie, Zadie Smith and Junot Diaz â€" in what it hopes will be a huge season. The two biggest swings: Tom Wolfe writing his first novel in eight years and a work of adult fiction by JK Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter.

To bolster its growing streaming service, Amazon signed a deal with the cable channel Epix yesterday, gaining access to the company's collection of movies like “Iron Man 2” and “The Hunger Games.” Epix currently has a deal with Netflix that is set to expire next year although Netflix could still negotiate for future , non-exclusive rights.

A Brit taking over a venerable American magazine is hardly news but Joanna Coles taking over Cosmopolitan is. Ms. Coles, a former newspaper reporter, ran Marie Claire, which like Cosmo is owned by Hearst, and took that second-tier fashion book upscale and made it a success. Now she'll take on Cosmo, which has bucked industry trends by increasing its circulation in the past few years and has built a formidable line-up of international editions.

The $2.6 billion acquisition of AMC Entertainment might just be the start for the Chinese company Dalian Wanda Group. Wang Jianlin, the chairman, said his company has $10 billion it wants to spend in the United States in several industries, including potentially film production.

Maybe there really isn't any such thing as bad press. Prime Minister David Cameron shook up his cabinet yesterday, yielding one major surprise: a promotion for Jeremy Hunt, the former minister for culture, media and sp ort who has been grilled over his ties to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation as the company bid for the rest of BskyB. Mr. Hunt now takes on the massive job of health minister.

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