Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Paris Review Mobile App


Literary magazines have taken their time emerging from a solely paper-and-ink world, but now it is routine for them to supplement their printed material with Web sites, blogs and Twitter feeds. On Monday, the Paris Review, the venerable journal founded in 1953 by Harold L. Humes, Peter Matthiessen and George Plimpton, will go a step further, introducing an app for the iPad and iPhone that is almost a year in the making.

Last December, Lorin Stein, the editor of the Review, gave one of his staff members the task of creating an app, even though there were few examples of literary journals that had successfully done so. “He essentially just said, ‘Go figure it out,' ” said Stephen Andrew Hiltner, an associate editor at the magazine. They eventually found a partner in The Atavist, the digital publishing company that has also licensed its software to the educational publisher, Pearson.

In designing the app, the editor s of the Paris Review also digitized the issues that Mr. Stein has edited since he took over the job in 2010 and added anthologies from the poetry and fiction archives and all of the magazine's famous interviews.

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