Tuesday, October 9, 2012

NBC News Names New \'Rock Center\' Producer


NBC News on Tuesday named a new producer of “Rock Center with Brian Williams,” its one-year-old newsmagazine, and promoted several other executives in a restructuring of sorts.

The founding executive producer of “Rock Center,” Rome Hartman, will be replaced by Alex Wallace, the top deputy of Steve Capus, the NBC News president.

Rumors of an impending change have swirled for several weeks. On Tuesday, Mr. Capus indicated in an internal memo that Mr. Hartman would not be leaving the network: “In the short term, I've asked Rome to work with Mark Lukasiewicz and the NBC News Special unit on Decision 2012. In the long term, I will be turning to Rome to contribute to a number of key NBC News str ategic initiatives.”

Along with day-to-day responsibility for “Rock Center,” Ms. Wallace will oversee Ann Curry's new production unit and the news division's health initiatives.

“Alex has helped me guide this News division through countless challenges with a positive energy, creative approach and dedication,” Mr. Capus wrote. “She will do great work along with Brian Williams, David Corvo and the talented Rock Center team.”

Mr. Capus will have a new top deputy, Antoine Sanfuentes, who has been the news division's Washington bureau chief since last year. Mr. Sanfuentes will move to New York and oversee “NBC Nightly News,” investigative reporting, and partnerships with other parts of the company. He'll continue to oversee the Washington bureau, though Ken Strickland will become the bureau chief.

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