Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Breakfast Meeting: Dunham Book Deal and Girls Who Like Steak


Lena Dunham, the creator of “Tiny Furniture” and “Girls,” has signed a book deal worth at least $3.5 million with Random House, where executives are clearly hoping to have another “Bossypants” on their hands. The tentative title is “Not That Kind of Girl.”

A new marketing campaign is aimed at perhaps a different kind of girl â€" the one who could really use a good steak. Ruth's Chris Steak House, the Florida-based restaurant chain is trying to lure women in its dark-paneled environs with a series of ads and sponsored meetings in collaboration with Marie Claire magazine. “It's like learning golf,” said Joanna Coles, Marie Claire's former editor in chief. “Every now and then you have to suck it up and be where the boys are.”

The Baton Rouge Advocate, which announced a New Orleans edition to capitalize on the reduced schedule of The Times-Picayune, is having trouble keeping up with demand. The paper already has 10,000 subscribers and The Advocate is struggling to deliver to many of those on time.

NBC has announced it will indefinitely delay the premiere of its cult-favorite, “Community,” which was scheduled to begin on Oct. 19. The decision leaves fans with nothing to do until the “Arrested Development” movie is released.

Nearly 400 Newspaper Guild employees of The New York Times held a brief walkout in New York Monday with about 20 doing likewise at the paper's Washington bureau. The guild has been in protracted negotiations with management over a new contract but the two sides are still far apart on wages and benefits. The talks resume Tuesday.

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