Monday, October 15, 2012

Breakfast Meeting: The Power of TV Debates

With the second presidential debate approaching on Tuesday night, the focus will be on whether President Obama can recover from his lackluster performance in the first debate, which infused new energy into the campaign of Mitt Romney. David Carr notes, in his Media Equation column, how striking it was that “a ritual as old as Lincoln-Douglas'' was able to have such an effect â€" especially since we consume information constantly, and often in small bits.

Michael Shear in The Times provides a guide to how the campaigns will try to shape perceptions in the hours and days after the debate, using tools ranging from Twitter and presidential appearances to a blitz of ads in crucial battleground states.

One of President Obama's most valuable campaign advisers is Stephanie Cutter, Amy Chozick writes in The Times, serving as a “one-woman attack squad'' responsible for getting the message out by saying the things the “candidates can't or won't say.'' She stands out , The Times says, in a campaign mostly dominated by middle-age white men.

The moderator of Tuesday's debate, Candy Crowley of CNN, will again be in the spotlight, just as Jim Lehrer was in Round 1, and the campaigns are already expressing concern about how she views her role, Mark Halperin reports on

NPR's “Morning Edition'' remains the highest-rated news show on radio, Brian Stelter writes in The Times, thanks in large part to having adapted to the Web and by installing co-hosts who are in essence reporters, occasionally taking the show on the road.

Ten years after leaving the corporate world during the deteriorating situation at AOL Time Warner, Bob Pittman is back as the chief executive of Clear Channel Communications, The Wall Street Journal writes, and he is predicting big things for radio.

The British Broadcasting Company has been immersed in scandal, Sarah Lyall writes, with several posthumous investigations being conducted into whe ther a former popular television host, Jimmy Savile, sexually abused underage girls.

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